Saturday, August 7, 2010


That is the scent I smell as I write my first ever blog entry for my very own photography blog. I am thrilled to start writing more about my photographs and to post my finished work. I have had my fair share of blogs, but I'm hoping that this one will be much more meaningful and be my own form of a creative outlet. I will try to keep my posts strictly about photography and not about my daily endeavors or my various emotional roller coasters. But enough about petty things, let's talk photography.

I never knew that being a photographer would ultimately be my career of choice. I have always known that art was my biggest talent and passion, but I would have never guessed that taking pictures would bring me the most joy. But not just any type of photography, FASHION photography to be exact.

It all started when me and my friend, Amber, would pretend to have photo shoots in my backyard and put together outfits for each shoot. Then that started to blossom as I began to take Photography classes at my school and BAM! I knew that being a fashion photographer was my calling. Being able to design the sets, put together the outfits, choose the accessories, actually take the photos, and post-processing. It's everything that I've wanted to do put together into one. I've always had a knack for interior design, thus the joy with putting sets together. And I have always had an eye for style, being voted best dressed in high school, and being able to choose the outfits for each of my shoots is my inner stylist coming out into the light.

Fashion photography is my life. It is the air I breathe. In this world, I have two best friends. My Nikon D5000 and Photoshop. They both do everything I want them to do and they never says 'no,' unless of course my battery dies, the computer crashes or it gets too heated, literally. They don't mind when I use and abuse them. It's a healthy relationship, I swear. Anyways, like I said, without fashion photography, I would just be a helpless soul with no hope in life... Just kidding. But I definitely would not be the person I am today. I am thankful for each and every talent that God has blessed me with. I cannot do anything without his love and passion that drives me to glorify him through each photograph.

So there you go. My life in a nutshell. Well, my photography life at least. Trust me, you would not like to hear about how much of an emotional wreck I am. Be thankful.

- David

1 comment:

  1. Thats really cool David. I'm glad you found your passion and feeding it. God has truly blessed you with the talents and determination to do it. You get to capture the beauty he has created. :) yaay!!
